Sunday, June 7, 2009

Baby's 1st Birthday!

The main part of my work is wedding cakes. With only doing one wedding a weekend it really doesn't leave me time for much else. But when special brides call and ask you for shower and birthday cakes there is no way I can deny them. My husband refers to this special group of women as girls. I'll take em!!! It has truly been a joy to be included in their special gatherings.

I met Brandi and Courtney a few years ago. They were dear friends who became sister-in-laws! Wedding cakes, groom cakes, wedding shower cakes, baby shower cakes, and now, the first birthday cake!!!

Isn't that one beautiful, happy family?! I love working with Brandi! She gives me her theme, sends me a pic of the napkins being used and tells me, "work your magic." How fun is that!!!

Erika, Jeff and their precious daughter Alexis came to me with a beautiful and elegant wedding planned. There were some twist and turns in the road, but the ending was storybook!

When Erika contacted me about doing baby Ben's first B-day cake, she asked me if I knew what the Veggie Tales were?! Having a 7 year old granddaughter and a 3 year old grandson, I assured her I knew them all on a first name basis!

Bob, Larry and a French pea, my personal favorite, were chosen as the cakes for Ben's first birthday party!!

I had a blast making these!!!!!! Thank you SOOO much for including me in the fun!

Kristin and Paul are the newbies! They are from Footstone Photography. When Erika needed help with photographing the events of the Gazebo dedication for her dear friends, Heather and Kira, Footstone was right there, ready and willing do to anything that was needed! And what a beautiful job they did!

So when they contacted Erika about a cake for their little Win, I had to say yes! The theme??? "Anything that goes brmmmmm!!" but a blue car would be the top of the list" So a blue car it was. Now, being a discriminating mom, Kristin also ordered our gourmet kake truffles for all the adult guest!

And as the saying goes...a good time was had by all!

KB's wishes you each a bright year filled with love and laughter!!!!! Thanks for allowing me to share in the fun!

1 comment:

Kristin Privette said...

The cake and truffles were incredible! Thank you so much! I'm looking forward to working with you again soon! You're amazing!

Kristin Privette--Footstone Photography